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The celestial energy will be changing this week, and we should expect the changes in our earthly affairs to follow. This week, the energy of the planets will be more evenly distributed between the signs and elements than it has been for a while. The Sun will move into Taurus in the middle of the week, while the retrograde Mercury will be moving back into Aries just a day later. By the end of the week, Mars will be entering Gemini, creating a good presence of the Air signs and the outlet for all of us for speaking out and shouting. The conversation may heat up and lead us into a trap as Mercury, the planet of words and ideas, will make an easy connection to Saturn, the planet of limits, restrictions, and frustration, by the end of the week.

Pluto will be turning retrograde in the middle of the week, and the combined energy of retrograde Jupiter, Pluto, Saturn, Mercury, and Venus that just completed her retrograde period, will create opportunities for re-examining several areas of our lives, restructuring our affairs, changing our decisions, and revisiting our past experiences. This week that ends with a balsamic Moon is just a perfect time to reconnect with our past and our present, to re-examine our senses and impressions, and to make new plans for the future that include a radically new approach to problems.


Moon in Capricorn: Monday April 17th all day – Wednesday April 19th early morning


The proactive Capricorn Moon may call us for actions, but we may have a distorted sense of reality on Monday, and we may run into a danger of power struggle.

Tuesday may bring a new unexpected twist into our life, and we may be forced to act even when unprepared, or we may act impulsively and erratically. Evening will be a great time to have a business meeting or just meet someone we like personally and who can ease our stress and restlessness.


Moon in Aquarius: Wednesday April 19th morning – Friday April 21st afternoon


Watch out for the breaking appliances, cars, and electronics on Wednesday morning when the Moon makes a difficult aspect with Mercury and highlights its retrograde behavior… The rest of the day may be better spent alone browsing the Internet or meeting virtual friends in the virtual places: normally social and interactive Aquarius Moon is not connecting to any planets for the rest of the day, and we may feel the urge to be left alone too.

We will wake up in a completely different happy, light, and social mood on Thursday as the Moon connects to Jupiter in Libra. This is a great day for any conversations and interactions or for a lunch and dinner with friends. The Sun just entered Taurus, and our egos will become less noticeable, while our desire to stop and smell the roses will grow.

An easy connection between the Moon, Mercury, and Saturn suggest that our heated interactions and conversations today may be more objective than we could ever expect. Aquarius is known for unorthodox solutions and revolutionary approach, and today’s Aquarius Moon may offer great support for easing the shouting and angry words and for getting a new look at the obstacles to the peace and progress.


Moon in Pisces: Friday April 21st evening – Sunday April 23rd late evening


The Pisces Moon may make us lazy and unable to react to harsh impulsive words, or it may make us say those words instead of acting and taking care of a problem. In any case, this will be not the best night for outing or interacting with others. An early bedtime on Friday and sleeping in in the morning of Saturday may be just what we need to feel happy and in touch with our feelings.

As Saturday progresses, we may find ourselves isolating from others and avoiding interactions. Day dreaming, meditating, listening to the music alone, or watching a movie may be more rewarding on this day than anything else.

Sunday starts as another day that should be dedicated to spiritual pursuits, dreams, and solitude. We may find the day to be enchanting if we don’t resist the celestial energy and spend the most of Sunday in contemplation. By the evening, the spell will be broken, and we will be able to come out into the world again, have enjoyable interactions, and fulfill our duties.


Moon in Aries: Sunday April 23rd late evening – end of day


The unsettling energy of the later evening may make us frustrated and restless. We may feel an energy overload without having an outlet for it and unable to analyze our condition. We may feel a desire to speak out, but the words may not come out or may not be understood as they are meant…

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