Olga Rozzell, PhD

Week of April 25th – May 1st
The Lunar cycle is winding down to the last quarter Moon at the end of the week, and we should be clearly seeing and understanding now what the intense Full Moon in Scorpio revealed and how we need to deal with the knowledge to make the best plans for the future.
The highlight of the upcoming week is the start of the Mercury retrograde period that will last for about three weeks until May 22nd. As always, it may be a period of mix-ups, delays, losses and minor troubles with documents, cars, and communications. This time, watch your bank account for any mistakes and double check your account balance before spending your money. It may be also the time to reassess any issues related to your body, the way you look and feel about your physical appearances and how you value yourself in general. As usual, if retrograde Mercury touches important points of your birth horoscope, you will feel this period intensely, while other people, whose natal chart does not resonate with the position of the retrograde Mercury in the Zodiac, may not notice any difference in their lives.
Another important celestial event this week is the move of Venus, the planet of love and relationships, from Aries into Taurus. If your relationships have been too confrontational and unsettling recently, this change may sweeten them up. It may also make us more practical and patient about our interactions with other people, especially our romantic partners.
Moon in Sagittarius: Monday April 25th – Tuesday April 26th early evening
Although Sagittarius is a sign of optimism and joy, most of Monday will not feel like a happy and joyous day. We may feel sad and restless at the same time. There is a strong emphasis on past suffering and lesson learned from it on this day, and thinking about past wounds and encounters may bring some calming thoughts and deep insights into what is going on now and what we need to do in the future to be happy. The choices between painful but well known situation and potentially great but unknown one will be stressed on this day, but difficult to make. By the evening, we may start feeling more optimistic about the day and our lives in general.
On Tuesday, we may suddenly feel very attracted to someone we never expected to attract us, but the emotional load from the past may interfere with our happiness in the present.
Moon in Capricorn: Tuesday April 26th late evening – Thursday April 28th
On Tuesday, Mercury starts its retrograde movement in the Zodiac, as we perceive it from our point of view. For the next several weeks, watch your bank account and take extra time to balance your checkbook, take care of anything valuable you have (there may be a chance of losing or misplacing valuables), and prepare to think about your body and appearance.
Tuesday will be great for making practical decisions and choices: we will be very serious and business-like about expressing our desires. If we need to take care of an unexpected issue or somebody close to us, we will do it in an efficient and practical manner. Despite all the seriousness and practicality, there will be a drop of an illusion or deception in the air: there is a chance that despite our desire to look and act as a cold and practical business person, we will have a soft spot for dreams and ideals.
The life direction and moving on from the past wounds, illusions, and deceptions will come to our focus again on Thursday, and we will have to dig deep in our soul in order to understand our feelings about the past and the future and to express them in words. We may be able to see the choices clearly, but we may not be able to act on them yet.
Moon in Aquarius: Friday April 29th – Sunday May 1st
On Friday, the planet of relationships and love Venus moves from Aries to Taurus. Aries is not a friendly environment for Venus, and many of us have experienced tension, lack of patience, and confrontational moods. The move of Venus into Taurus indicates more sweetness in our relationships, more physical attraction, and more patience and stability. We may also find ourselves looking for more security in a relationship and for long-term connections. Venus feels comfortable in Taurus, and so will we in our relationships and interactions with other people.
The last days of the week may be the most careless and quiet days of the week as the Moon travels in Aquarius. We may want to take care of the whole world and should watch not to sacrifice our own choices, commitments, and relationships as we are doing it.
Saturday is a great day to spend with the people we relate to, with the groups we belong to, whether in person or online.
Sunday morning is a great time to just sleep in and start slowly. Even if you are a morning person and wake up early on Sunday, don’t rush into chores and activities: starting late on this day will bring more success to your endeavors.
Avoid starting anything new if the outcome is important or to schedule medical procedures during following days and hours (EDT, week of April 25th – May 1st):
Friday April 29th 3:07 AM – 4:46 AM;
Saturday April 30th 10:55 PM – Sunday May 1st 10:33 AM.