Olga Rozzell
Week of August 24th – August 30th
This is a week of the Full Moon, the time of clarity and illumination. The day of the Full Moon is the top of the monthly Lunar cycle, when we start to see clearly where we are going with our plans that we made at the beginning of the cycle – at the time of the New Moon. The monthly Lunar cycle is not the only cycle that comes to fruition with each Full Moon. This is also an apogee of a yearly cycle of the movement of the Moon through the Zodiac. This month, the Full Moon will occur in Pisces, and it will signify the culmination of the yearly cycle that started on March 3rd with the New Moon in Pisces and will end with the New Moon in Pisces on March 8th 2016. Over a period of a year, the New Moon occurs once (rarely twice) in every sign of the Zodiac, and, in about a half of a year, the Full Moon occurs in the same sign. Thus, a yearly Lunar Cycle that is associated with a specific Zodiac sign also has its New Moon (the inception of new plans for a year) and the culmination of the cycle (the fruit bearing phase). Did you start anything important in March (especially if it is associated with your spiritual growth or any skill transcending the reality like dance, film, photography, meditation)? If you did, now is the time to find out how successful the project is and where it is going. This is only the middle of the yearly cycle, and we have about six months to work on it before the New Moon is Pisces resets the clock and starts the new yearly Lunar cycle.
Moon in Sagittarius: Monday August 24th all day
The day may start with a “bang” – unexpectedly and unpredictably. The start of the day will be energetic and overall optimistic.
We may start encountering discussions of the gender issues in the media and around us in our real life, and these may continue for several days to come. It is likely that the inequality of genders and the unfair treatment of women will be on our minds for the next couple of days. The Sagittarius Moon makes us crave for freedom from obligations and restrains, and we will have a desire to thoroughly analyze and record our feelings on the subject.
Moon in Capricorn: Tuesday August 25th – Wednesday August 26th
We will be starting the day on a very practical and serious note. The morning will be all about paying extra attention to details and thoroughly analyzing our plans, which will be most probably related to a business or any other serious endeavors. There will be no room for incorrectness or frivolous spending of time and money. As the day proceeds, we may be inclined to impose our opinions or plans on other people, or we may feel a resistance from others. In any case, there may be some power struggle involved.
Moon in Aquarius: Thursday August 27th – Friday August 28th
The Aquarius Moon will increase our interest in world’s affairs and new information. We will be trying to connect to other people with similar views of the world, but may be forced to formulate and spell out our own opinions, especially when it comes to the issue of gender inequality – this topic may be on everybody’s minds and popular in social media for several days. Although the desire to connect to others will be strong, we may find ourselves not able to communicate productively, and, by Friday evening, this may make us quite sad and depressed.
Moon in Pisces: Saturday August 29th – Sunday August 30th.
It may be especially hard to get up and start our day on Saturday; don’t plan much and sleep in if you can – staying in bed longer may be your desire on this morning. Dreaming, recalling the past, and watching a movie may be especially pleasurable on Saturday night. This is not an evening to seek noisy spots and energy-demanding activities.
If a relationship issues arise on Sunday, don’t repeat your old mistakes – move forward with compassion and understanding.
Avoid starting anything new if the outcome is important or to schedule medical procedures during following days and hours (EDT, week of August 24th – August 30th):
Thursday August 27th 3:19 AM – 4:03 AM