Olga Rozzell, PhD

The week starts with Mercury stopping in the sky and turning back in his retrograde motion that will continue for three weeks. The timing may be inconvenient with all the holiday preparations and interactions: the time of retrograde Mercury is not the best for planning, preparations, or communications. The packages may be lost, the presents may have to be exchanged for a different size or for an actually working device, and there may be many misunderstandings when we meet our family and friends at the holiday parties. The retrograde Mercury suggests some introspection, reconsideration of the past, and planning to correct past mistakes, and this may be good at the end of the year if we can find the time to dedicate to solitude and self-analysis.
Meanwhile, a very positive configuration is forming in the skies between Saturn, the planet of commitment and responsibility, Jupiter, the planet of expansion and beliefs, and Uranus, the planet of rebellion, breakthroughs, and unexpected surprises. This is the time to commit to our beliefs to make important breakthroughs in our lives, to expand the reality into unexpected directions, and to rebel against anything that constricts our growth and expansion. This is a constructive time if you have the courage to break free from your fears and to expand your horizon in the directions you never dreamt of. Merry Christmas!
Moon in Virgo: Monday December 19th – Tuesday December 20th late evening
Moon is in Virgo, the sign ruled by Mercury, on the day of Mercury turning retrograde… This is a double focus on Mercurial activities. Double-check your calculations, pay extra attention to details, and plan extra time to get organized. Schedules may be broken, numbers confused and mixed, and very material outcomes may arise from the confusions… The Moon will try to bring our attention to organization of life and future, but other influences will distract us and make our plans dissolve. In the evening, the Moon will help us get our thoughts together and to express them in a very practical and productive manner. This is a good time to revisit previous conversations that failed to result in practical outcomes and actions. This time the results may be more tangible of we reclaim our power and think twice before saying anything out loud.
Tuesday is a good day to make big adjustments to resolve anything that restrict and limits us from being ourselves and to grow. The day may feel a lot like a struggle between our passions and practical affairs, and the evening will call for relaxation and idleness, despite the feeling that many pressing tasks have not been addressed.
Moon in Libra: Wednesday December 21st – Friday December 23rd early morning
Just when the Moon moves into the sign of Libra, the Sun enters the sign of Capricorn, and they form a tense but productive relationship. The intellectual and accommodating Moon in Libra connects to the practical and hard-working Sun in Capricorn, and the day may become very productive and satisfying despite any difficulties and obstacles. The key is to double-check anything that may malfunction or get delayed, because Mercury is retrograde in the sign of Capricorn, and it can affect objects and events. Later in the day, the Moon is making an easy and happy connection to Venus, and this will be great for relationships and interactions. Great evening for a date or a get-together with friends, although interactions will be more intellectual than passionate or emotional.
Thursday is another fantastic day for interactions and fun activities. If we watch what we are saying and stay away from any power struggles and power displays, we are guaranteed to have great conversations and a pleasant time. Surprises and unexpected developments are possible on this day, but they should not be disappointing.
Early in the morning on Friday the Moon is completing her path through Libra, and we are preparing to make our choices: as soon as she enters Scorpio, we will have opportunities to shine and to act.
Moon in Scorpio: Friday December 23rd late morning – Sunday December 25th late night
It will be easy to act and to be courageous and proactive on Friday. Although the day may be quite emotional and we may sometimes drift off into daydreaming, the practical Capricorn Sun will not allow us to forget about the reality and the opportunities that exist in the material realm. Going deeper and acting on feelings will help to resolve any past illusions and to move on into the future.
Saturday brings a chance to reach deep down to reclaim our power and to reanalyze and discuss again something that has been brought up before. If handled correctly, the process will end up pleasantly and to everyone’s satisfaction.
Sunday is one of those days when we just need to remain idle and do nothing. It’s Christmas, so this will be just too easy to achieve. Don’t make big plans, don’t start anything new, try not to act at all.
Moon in Sagittarius: Sunday December 25th late night.
The night owls may catch the late Moon in Sagittarius. She will bring hope, inspiration, and the desire to be active. It is a good time to make New Year’s resolutions in preparation for the change of the year number.
Avoid starting anything new if the outcome is important or to schedule medical procedures during following days and hours (EST, the week of December 19th – 25th):
Tuesday December 20th 8:55 PM – 9:39 PM
Sunday December 25th 2:21 AM – 10:18 PM