Olga Rozzell, PhD

It’s a quiet week, without major celestial events. The only planet that may be acting unusually is Mercury, a planet that is already preparing to go retrograde in two weeks and slowing down in its motion. As the Moon is growing, almost reaching her full disk by the end of the week, we should dedicate our attention to going forward with any project that have to be completed by the end of the year. This week, we will have two full days that will be extremely unproductive: Monday and Wednesday. Spend them working on something that is already underway or just in a quiet inactive reflection and rest.
Moon in Aquarius: Monday December 5th
The social Aquarius Moon may interfere with our business plans on Monday. We will be more concerned with humanitarian issues than we usually are. Our reactions to the unexpected news related to equality, fairness, and world peace will be exaggerated, discussed, and shared, and we will go to the root of the problem and dig out any possible information and truth in order to form our own opinions about the events, whether the events are global or personal.
Don’t plan much – things will not go right or will not result in expected results.
Moon in Pisces: Tuesday December 6th – Wednesday December 7th
Something from the past will come up on Tuesday. It can be just a memory, or a person, or sudden revelation about the past. Understanding your opinion about it and making a choice to stick with your truth will help dealing with the past and to move to the future. As the day proceeds, we will be faced with a choice to face information about our real life or to submerge into daydreaming and self- deception, and we just may not be ready and strong enough to accept the reality. Don’t be surprised if you decide to call it an early night – this is the influence of the sleepy Pisces Moon, just submit to it and sleep tight. It also may be a great night for a movie or music.
Wednesday will deliver another reality check, and this time it may be louder than it was yesterday. Even id you are still ignoring the calls of reality and truth, you will return to the theme later in December and in the beginning of 2017, and you will be forced to deal with the issue(s). Wednesday will be unproductive, don’t expect to accomplish much, unless you are finishing something that has been already started.
Moon in Aries: Thursday December 8th – Saturday December 10th early morning
The physical and aggressive Aries Moon is toned down by an easy contact with Venus in a social sign of Aquarius. If you want to stand out in a group of people, this is the day. You may be able to do this without extra effort and in a considerate and soft way, accepted by everyone involved. As the Moon moves on through Aries to form an easy connection with the Sun and Saturn in a fiery Sagittarius and later conjoins Uranus in fiery Aries, the atmosphere may be heating up with passion and fire. There will be a lot of inspiration and resolve in the air.
Friday may bring unexpected development, shocking revelations, and breakthroughs or breakdowns. Friday and Saturday are the days when yearly meeting between the Sun and Saturn will take place in the sign of Sagittarius, and it will illuminate our quest for structure, realistic outlook, and exploration of our limits. This is the last time they meet in Sagittarius – this will not happen again until 2045. Take a realistic look at yourself and your situation to evaluate you limits and your quest for truth and make some choices and resolutions about the ways you will be handling the truth and responsibilities in the next almost 30 years. Also, if you are old enough, look back into November 1985, December 1986, December 1987, and November 1988: what was a message about your truth and exploration of your limits then? How did you commit to the process and what are the results? Does your philosophy need a review and will you set new goals and make new resolutions?
Few people will wake up early enough to catch the last minutes of the Moon in Aries. If you do wake up super early, take your time and delay any important activities.
Moon in Taurus: Saturday December 10th morning – Sunday December 11th all day
There will be a choice to pamper yourself and do what YOU want and like best or to please others and let them talk you into something that THEY want and like. Choose what is important for you. You may not be in a mood to interact and communicate. It you just want to take a luxurious bubble bath and dream about your past or your future, indulge yourself in doing whatever YOU please – the Moon will support this selfish decision. In the evening, you may have an urge to get your finances in order. Calculations, analyses, and search for refinancing or other financial options may go well on this evening, even though this is a weekend night.
The Moon supports continuation of calculations and analyses of our financial situations, whether we are dealing with debt or plans for financial security. No matter what aspect of finances you are examining, this is a great day for practical decisions. If there is some shopping to be done, The Moon will assure that we are practical and frugal, despite opportunities and desire to splurge: it will be easy to remember that it is all about our future and our dreams and goals, not about indulgence in the moment.
Avoid starting anything new if the outcome is important or to schedule medical procedures during following days and hours (EST, week of December 5th – 11th):
Monday December 5th 5:23 AM – 10:30 PM
Wednesday December 7th 8:05 AM – Thursday December 8th 4:15 AM
Friday December 9th 7:06 PM – Saturday December 10th 6:40 AM
Sunday December 11th 10:04 PM – Monday December 12th 6:41 AM