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We are in a season of Eclipses: the first, Lunar eclipse happened ten days ago, and the second, Solar eclipse will occur at the end of this week on February 26th in the morning in the sign of Pisces in a close contact with Neptune, the planet closely associated with Pisces. As usual, near this date or a couple of weeks later, we may uncover something that has been hidden from our view and understand something mysterious or unclear until now. The Lunar eclipse on February 10th was the first eclipse in the series of eclipses that will take place in Aquaruis/Leo and indicated a new cycle of events associated with the eclipses in our lives. The upcoming Solar eclipse will be the last in the Pisces/Virgo series and most probably will bring to life something from our past, and the events of the past 2-3 years that were mysterious and difficult to decipher may become clear and have a conclusion and closure.

The day before the eclipse, on Saturday, Mercury will move into the sign of Pisces as well and thus will become a part of the eclipse picture. Although Pisces is not a favorable sign for Mercury and makes the planet of thinking, speaking, and communications become foggy and not as sharp as Mercury normally is, in the context of the eclipse Mercury may offer additional benefit of important information that transcends normal channels of communication, intuitive thinking, and going beyond the veil with our minds.


Moon in Sagittarius: Monday February 20th

Moon in Sagittarius may give us an extra boost of optimism and grandiose plans for the upcoming week. Moon’s close contact with Saturn, the planet of realism and time, may help us to be more practical in assessing our abilities and planning our time. The Moon is making a very lucky arrangement with the happy, optimistic, and peaceful Jupiter; with sharp and creative planet of thinking, speaking, and communications Mercury; and an impulsive rebel Uranus. This configuration may cause lucky breakthroughs and unusual creative ideas leading to a significant progress. Monday will be a great day for brainstorming, discussing our plans with others, and starting important projects that excite us.


Moon in Capricorn: Tuesday February 21st – Thursday February 23rd late morning

The serious Capricorn Moon will be determined to work with the Pisces Sun to create opportunities for the future and to take the best from the past in order to make practical and reasonable plans for the future. The Moon will resist any distractions, especially the ones coming from our relationships with others. It’s the time for business, and we better be very focused and serious in preparation for a chance to act on Wednesday.

Wednesday is an action and power day. There will be no force to stop us on our ambitious paths or to modify our behavior. Our decisions will be quick, and our actions will be even faster. In the afternoon, if unclear, look for clues in your heart or in your past and allow yourself to be idealistic.

Thursday morning is one of those times when we need to focus on finishing projects rather than starting new ones, and acting on any important projects where you want progress and change, is not recommended: nothing will go your way or any way, there will be no progress with anything we start on this morning and early afternoon.


Moon in Aquarius: Thursday February 23rd afternoon – Saturday February 25th early evening

The Moon in in the social sign of Aquarius, but on this morning, we will prefer to be alone. Our own thoughts and intellectual pursuits will be on our minds, and we will hate any distraction. However, by the Friday morning, we will be ready to spend some time with our significant others, collaborators, clients, or consultants and get involved in a heated intellectual exchange about the subject that we feel passionate about. By the afternoon, there will be also an opportunity to act and to make significant steps forward. If needed, we will be able to defend our point of view, especially when it comes to our thoughts about the humanity or science.

On Saturday, we will welcome social occasions and interactions: our brains will be working fast, generating exciting new ideas, and we will shine in any formal occasions of a great significance. Our optimism will be high, and so will be our expectations for the interactions.


Moon in Pisces: Saturday February 25th late evening  – Sunday February 26th

As the Moon approaches the Sun preparing for the new Lunar cycle, this will be the last hours to prepare for the New Moon and to set our intentions for the next month, year, and for the eclipse that may bring new developments into our lives. The appropriate intentions for this New Moon and eclipse would be to understand events from the past and to make sense of something that happened to us some time ago but remained a mystery since then. Creative intellectual pursuits are another appropriate area of life to meditate on and to setting intentions about. The energy of Pisces, the sign of transcendence, creativity, intuition, and compassion, will be very strong, with Sun, Moon, Mercury, and Neptune all in the pile participating in the eclipse. Take and opportunity to focus this energy in your meditations and intentions! The unique image for the sign of Pisces in which the New Moon and the eclipse will occur is “A Jockey Spurs His Horse, Intent On Outdistancing His Rivals”… This is powerful and positive eclipse that we should use to make significant improvement and progress in our lives.

On the day of the eclipse, the Moon will not connect to any other planets that are not with her on Pisces creating this unique Piscean energy together. I think this stresses the idea that we need to spend this day without distractions, in meditation and reflection about our intentions for the months to come.


Avoid starting anything new if the outcome is important or to schedule medical procedures during following days and hours (EST, week of February 20th – 26th):


Wednesday February 22nd 10:23 PM – Thursday February 23rd 12:17 PM

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