Olga Rozzell, PhD

Week of June 13th – 19th
The Moon is rapidly growing in the sky, and we will end the week with the almost Full Moon, only several hours away of it. Our ideas and our vision of current situations will become very clear under the Full Moon and happy Mercury, the planet of our mind, ideas, and thinking in his own sign of Gemini, where he moved in the very last hours of Sunday. Mercury in Gemini will also illuminate our options, because Gemini is a sign of options and multiple variants of everything. The Sun is in Gemini too, and the meeting of both the Sun and Mercury in Gemini will also give us multiple choices. We may feel busy and overwhelmed in this celestial environment, but we will never run out of options and choices.
Our focus this week will be on our dreams, our spiritual pursuits, and our ideals. We will be forced to reconsider our dreams, to re-structure them, or to confirm our ideals. We may juggle several ways to go about our dreams, and we will be analyzing and re-thinking our plans on how to achieve what we desire the most. Although the dreams and ideals will be brought into a focus, and several paths leading to them will be shown to us, there is no hurry to make a decision now. In fact, if we do make a decision now, we may later change it again. We will have a couple of months to deal with our newly discovered options, and we may take our time and wait until September, when we do have to finalize our goals and plans.
Moon in Libra: Monday June 13th – Wednesday June 15th early morning
The Libra Moon will bring a couple of harmonious and satisfying days. On Monday and Tuesday, our focus will be on intellectual work, exchange of ideas, and beautifying our lives and our minds. The reminders of a necessity to deal with disconnect between our dreams and our realities will be distracting and annoying. We will want some peace, beauty, and harmony in our world, an we may reject any invasion of reality into a perfect little space inside our head.
Early Wednesday morning is not productive; give yourself a permission to wake up a little later and start your day as late as you can.
Moon in Scorpio: Wednesday June 15th late morning – Friday June 17th evening
Wednesday may be a passionate day for relationships, we may be ready to jump into a relationship deeply and without setting any boundaries. We may also get a call from someone from the past, and this call may rekindle the old passions. There will be no reasoning or thinking, even if we know that acting and feeling without thinking never takes us in a right direction.
The ability to check in with our reality will come back on Thursday, and we will be able to investigate and analyze our past ideals and dreams, and also to feel empowered by the practical knowledge we possess. Thursday night may become either very passionate or may escalate into a ruthless fight. Old wounds will be easily opened, and the pain may become too sharp.
Friday may bring unexpected choices and developments, but try to stay away from any important decisions. Anything you decide to undertake on Friday will be stalled and forgotten later. It would be the nest to spend the day alone and to analyze and heal the old wounds.
Moon in Sagittarius: Friday June 17th late evening – Sunday June 19th
The Sagittarius Moon may feel lovely and optimistic, but this time it may also bring a taste of reality and truth. We may be receiving a news that is somewhat shocking or not what we expected, but this will not be necessarily a bad one. Even if this is a good news, it will probably require action and regrouping. Although the Sagittarius Moon gives us a lot of energy and optimism, the weekend will not be an easy-going and relaxing. Watch out for too blunt and too direct words and try to avoid insulting others, even if you believe you need to be truthful. On Saturday evening and Sunday morning, the Moon is in a close proximity to Saturn, the planet of fathers, and Sunday is the Father’s Day here in US. We will be able to see the Moon and Saturn very close to each other in the evening sky soon after the sunset. Under the almost Full Moon next to Saturn and Mercury, the God of words, exactly opposite of them on the other side of the Earth at the moment, we all may find just the right words for our fathers.
Avoid starting anything new if the outcome is important or to schedule medical procedures during following days and hours (EDT, week of June 13th – 19th):
Wednesday June 15th 3:00 AM – 9:18 AM;
Friday June 17th 9:52 AM – 9:34 PM.