Olga Rozzell, PhD

Week of June 20th – 26th
The week begins with two important astronomical and astrological events: the Summer Solstice and the Full Moon occur on the same day. Equinoxes and Solstices are very important checkpoints in Western astrology, where the Zodiac is based on the apparent Sun movement throughout the year. The Sun has finished the first quarter of the Zodiac and is moving into the second quarter starting on June 20th in the sign of Cancer.
The Full Moon occurs in the very last degree of Sagittarius, the sign of religion, philosophy, higher knowledge, teaching, and travel. The unique phrase (Sabian symbol) for the last degree of Sagittarius is “The Pope Blessing The Faithful”, and the Full
Moon in the last degree of the sign indicates that we clearly see the changes that have to occur in one of the areas of our lives (which one will depend on everyone’s unique birth horoscope). The change is imminent, and those, who were faithful to their dream and goals, will see the clear path to the change. The last time the Full Moon occurred in the same degree of the Zodiac was in June 1997. Think of a change you welcomed then, and expect a similar change in your life to happen now. Think also about the end of December of 1995, when a New Moon occurred in the same degree of the Zodiac. Whatever was the long-term project that you were starting then should come to fruition now, when the same degree of the Zodiac is decorated with a Full Moon. After considering the beginnings in 1995 and the changes in 1997, you may be able to understand better what is illuminated in your life now and how to proceed about making positive changes.
We may be going through a transformation of our beliefs or our religious associations, and the change will be profound for everyone, who is going through the evolution.
The love relationships and money issues may be unusual, unpredictable, or unexpected these days, and this will continue for the next week or so.
Moon in Sagittarius: Monday June 20th early morning
Few of us will feel the Sagittarius Moon this morning, because the Moon will move into Capricorn by 8 AM EDT. Those, who are early risers, may catch that optimism and philosophical point of view early in the morning, before everything suddenly turns serious and business like.
Moon in Capricorn: Monday June 20th morning – Wednesday June 22nd afternoon
Capricorn Moon is great fro the beginning of the business week, especially if you are a career or a business person. It will bring a serious mood, ambitions, and a desire to work hard and to work well. There will be a conflict between what we do and what we would choose to do on this day, and the ongoing battle between fantasy and reality, analysis of details and the big picture will continue into the new week. Business and relationships will not go well together on these days, careers and ambitions may temporarily separate us from our loves and fun times. This is a temporary mood that will end with the next move of the Moon.
On Tuesday, take a better and more focused look at the details and at the bigger picture: this will be a day when you may suddenly see the forest through the tress. Use this time to figure out anything you are confused about or any puzzle you have trouble putting together. This is also a great time to claim or reclaim your power as a boss, as a father (or a mother, if you are a powerful one in your family), or a head of any group or venture.
On Tuesday, take time before speaking out. Our message may need some adjustment before we release it into the world.
Lay low on Wednesday until the late afternoon; don’t start anything new, and don’t expect to be super productive and super successful, unless you are willing to dedicate extra energy and extra work to anything you do (even then, the result may not be to your liking).
Moon in Aquarius: Wednesday June 22nd evening – Friday June 24th evening
The social Aquarius Moon may take us into crowds or groups, but relating and being ourselves may not come naturally on Wednesday evening. Misunderstandings and misrepresentations are possible, so it may be better to spend the evening on the Internet and refrain from commenting in chats and social media.
On Thursday, however, speak away and say it all as you mean it. Our words will be taken as a voice of authority, and anyone, who speaks up, may resolve tricky situations to everyone’s delight. In the evening, we are still chatty and electrified;
it’s great for meeting with friends, neighbors, or siblings.
There could be some frustration around a relationship on Friday, but the intellectual Aquarius Moon will help us to see the tension in a detached colder way, and the problem will be short living and resolved by the evening.
Moon in Pisces: Friday June 24th late evening – Sunday June 26th.
The Pisces Moon may make us sentimental and emotional, but it will also bring the sense of harmony and balance, even if we need to make an effort to keep a structure of our life despite the dreamy mood.
Saturday night is definitely a movie night. Cinema, dancing, listening to a music will be delightful, and it will bring us closer to a special one, who will be doing this with us, whether a love partner or a good friend. However, attend to details to make this happen, e.g., buy tickets in advance and make a plan for the evening if you want it to be successful.
Sunday may be more problematic. We may attend to our responsibilities no matter how unwilling and suffering we feel, and we may not even have a chance to express our discontent. At least we will be full of energy and eager to finish anything that has to be done over the weekend.
Avoid starting anything new if the outcome is important or to schedule medical procedures during following days and hours (EDT, week of June 20th – 26th):
Wednesday June 22nd 4:57 AM – 4:08 PM.