Olga Rozzell, PhD

Week of May 23rd – 29th
With the insights from the Full Moon in Sagittarius last Saturday, we can move forward full speed, and the celestial weather will completely support our motion. After Venus moves into Gemini early in the morning on Tuesday May 24th, the only planet in slow and resistant Taurus will be Mercury, and even the persistent Taurus cannot slow down Mercury that is now moving faster and faster in his direct motion thought the Zodiac. Everything will pick up speed and move very fast to a conclusion and resolution, and we may see our situations changing rapidly and requiring adjustments and quick thinking from us. After a long period of stagnation and a feeling of being stuck, we may welcome the long-wanted change and speed. However, be prepared for a busy, chaotic, and demanding week.
Moon in Sagittarius: Monday May 23rd all day – Tuesday May 24th 01:31 AM
If you planned to start something new in the beginning of the week, hurry up and do it in the morning. The afternoon may not be productive, and starting anything important is not recommended, although finishing projects should go just fine. Expect the unexpected and be prepare to think on your feet. Plan a low-key evening, don’t shop and don’t schedule important meetings.
Moon in Capricorn: Tuesday May 24th 01:32 AM – Thursday May 26th 10:23 AM
Tuesday will call for a solitary but serious and collected mood: this is a great day to do your work alone without distractions from your colleagues and family. Dream big, very big, really big.
On Wednesday, beware of power struggles and watch your mouth: the words may be hurtful and taken as a big deal, even if you did not mean to create a problem. It is a good time to discuss practical matters if you can avoid power display and can be very slow and careful with your words. The afternoon will be less intense, but the evening may bring an unexpected tension or conflict.
We can use the final hours of Capricorn Moon to give the important projects the final push. Creative projects and communications will especially benefit from this extra-effort in the morning. Once the Moon moves to Aquarius in the late morning, the drive may be lost.
Moon in Aquarius: Thursday May 26th 10:24 AM – Saturday May 28th 05:03 PM
As we are approaching the long weekend when we traditionally have parties and have a good time with the friends, we can’t desire for a better condition than the Aquarius Moon. Sociable, friendly, and always concerned about the others, Aquarius Moon will guide us through the busy end of the week and the beginning of a busy weekend. We will feel motivated and full of energy when working on a creative project on Thursday. We will feel extra social and will want to discuss our choices and our relationships with others. Thursday is a great day to chat with, call or meet someone, with whom we have been regularly interacting, whether this has been every week or once a year before the Memorial Day weekend. Keep your traditions: this will bring you peace and the feeling of belonging.
Friday may remind about responsibilities; this is an opportunity to do everything right as it should be. Great evening to be in a group of people who share your interests. However, watch out for surprises, especially later in the evening.
If you were thinking about a party on the long weekend, Saturday will be the best day to have it, whether you are entertaining or going to a party. That is when we may have the most fun and be the most social and interactive. We may feel a little tired and sleepy later in the evening, when the Moon moves to Pisces.
Moon in Pisces: Saturday May 28th 05:04 PM – Sunday May 29th all day
The sensitive Pisces Moon may bring to the front our relationship problems and our responsibilities. We may be unhappy with timing of events or with the communication style or choices of our partners. Any problem may get rapidly escalated and magnified, and old wounds may be remembered. It is a good idea to go to bed early or just watch a movie. Meditation may be also helpful.
It may be difficult to wake up on Sunday morning. We may be upset to find the same uneasy and uncertain mood in the air that we thought we had left in the yesterday. Talking, hurting, analyzing, feeling frustration may just go round and round for the whole day. Break the cycle if you feel trapped in never ending circle of bad feeling, bad mood, and bad words. Retreat into your bedroom or your dreams and meditate. Otherwise, you will be up for a busy, hectic, and not very pleasant day.
Avoid starting anything new if the outcome is important or to schedule medical procedures during following days and hours (EDT, week of May 23rd – 29th):
Monday May 23rd 11:37 AM – Tuesday May 24th 1:33 AM.