Olga Rozzell, PhD

Week of October 12th - 18th
This week of the New Moon signifies the true beginning of the autumn: on Monday October 12th, the Moon catches up with the Sun in the sign of Libra announcing the start of a new season. In the northern areas, we will see the beautiful fall foliage and feel the breath of the upcoming winter. As always, the New Moon is the time to set our intentions and to make plans for the upcoming lunar month (anything that could be accomplished in four weeks) and for the upcoming year, until the next new Moon in Libra in 2016. Libra is the sign of relationships, the sign of the other people and any collaborations, meaningful interactions, and exchanges with others. The New Moon in Libra is the time to think about the others in our life (both personal and professional contacts) and to decide how we want to connect with them, what we want to give to others, and what we expect to receive from them. After the finishing touch of the season of eclipses (think of everyone you know, who accomplished an important task, went through a difficult crisis time, or even departed forever during the last month or two), the New Moon will truly feel like a new start and a clean slate.
Other than the New Moon, the upcoming week promises to be quiet and uneventful. This is a fresh breath of air after the intense eclipses and several other astrological changes that happened in September. This is also a great astrological weather to be more introspective and to align with the new colder season, to set the intentions for the next astrological period, and to quietly contemplate and strategize our next moves – to act just like the elegant, intelligent, harmonious, and strategic Libra Moon wants us to act.
Moon in Libra: Monday October 12th – Tuesday October 13th afternoon
Monday is the day of the New Moon (8:05 PM EDT). As always, this is the time to plan, to contemplate the next moves, and to reflect on the area of life that the New Moon highlights. The Libra new Moon stresses relationships: our personal relationships with significant others, our interactions with the close friends, and our business interactions with our collaborators at work, our accountants, doctors, lawyers, and clients. Monday is a good day to re-think and revise our interactions and to decide how we want them to change and what we are ready to give and to receive.
The time after the New Moon (Monday night and Tuesday) will be slow and calm: it is better not to plan too much and not try to achieve a lot. The Moon will not support any activities that should result in a tangible outcome. These two days are best spend making plans and thinking about the next steps that should be delayed until the Moon moves out of Libra and gains some light.
Moon in Scorpio: Tuesday October 13th evening – Thursday October 15th
The Scorpio Moon may make us jealous and possessive of everyone and everything we love and appreciate. If normally the feeling is irrational, this time we may be quite calculating and practical about the emotion we experience. We may be able to analyze and explain why we have the need to hold on to our partners or our valuables (or values). There may be a conflict between our experience with the things and people we are holding on to and our ideal or our idealistic views of them. We may not be able to resolve the conflict between our reality and our dreams, but we will know for sure that we need it (them) all to ourselves and will not share or let go. On Wednesday, we may want to act on it too, and we will get a lot of satisfaction from our actions. The Scorpio Moon may force us to act behind the scene, privately and indirectly. However, the time to act will be limited: if you have not done anything until Wednesday evening, just forget about it: late night Wednesday or Thursday are not the good days for actions or any positive outcome.
Moon in Sagittarius: Friday October 16th – Sunday October 18th early afternoon
The Friday mood will be “go and explore”, but the reality will be “stop and learn your limits”. The “tug and pull” astrological weather can be quite irritating and may force us to withdraw into a denial. We will be unable to get what we need, to act as we want, or to reach our dream. The situation may push us to think about our life direction and about our path.
The restrain of the Friday situation and the frustration may push us to act unpredictable in our strife for freedom and new experiences on Saturday. There will be a lot of tension between our reality, our financial situation, and our need to act in a practical calculated manner on one side and our dreams and our desire to expand our horizons and freedom on the other side. Spontaneity may be the result of the struggle on Saturday.
Sunday morning and afternoon is not the best tie to start an adventure or to do anything that is expected to produce a significant outcome. If the weather permits, it is a great time to spend outdoors. If it’s cold or rainy, educational pursuits will be delightful.
Moon in Capricorn: Sunday October 18th late afternoon – end of day
The Capricorn Moon makes us serious and ambitious. On this day, it will bring the thoughts about our life path and the directions. We may be thinking about our careers and the way we can fit them with our relationships and personal needs, about our own needs and the needs of others in our lives, about defending our own freedom and rights or pleasing the other people. The thoughts may lead to a power struggle or may transform and empower us, depending on how we handle the dilemma. We may feel the need to express our needs and thoughts and to discuss our future with our partners, relatives, or our close friends.
Avoid starting anything new if the outcome is important or to schedule medical procedures during following days and hours (EDT, week of October 12th – 18th):
Monday October 12th 8:05 PM – Tuesday October 13th 5:38 PM;
Wednesday October 14th 8:57 PM – Friday October 16th 5:18 AM;
Sunday October 18th 4:48 AM – 2:52 PM.