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Week of September 12th – 18th


The season of eclipses continues with a Lunar Eclipse this week. Eclipse series are observed twice a year and include both Lunar and Solar eclipses about two weeks apart. Astrologically, the eclipses are considered to be very important and revealing: we have significant life events or unexpected revelations if the eclipse happens in a degree of the Zodiac that is important in our birth horoscope. Eclipses are used in forecasting and predictive astrology and are considered to be a very reliable and very informative astrological tool. The influence of an eclipse is not limited to the day of the event: the changes resulting form the interaction of the eclipse with our birth horoscope may occur a couple of weeks before the eclipse or within several months after.

The current eclipse is about the realism and coming down to earth. If it touches your birth horoscope in a meaningful way, you will become aware of an old situation and see it for what it is, which may be very different from what you imagined or dreamed it to be. Although the revelation may be painful now, the energy of this eclipse is positive and constructive: this is the time to understand and to tackle the truth to build a brighter future ahead. It heralds a change, an arrival of a more peaceful future, although it also suggests that work has to be done to get to this future.

On a collective level, eclipses are often associated with events affecting large groups of people and nations. I am not going to spell it out, because I believe in a power of words and the Law of Attraction, but the Sabian symbols (unique phrases associated with each degree of the Zodiac) describing the upcoming eclipse are: for the Sun “A Flag At Half-Mast In Front Of A Public Building” and for the Moon “A Religious Organization Succeeds In Overcoming The Corrupting Influence Of Perverted Practices and Materialized Ideals”. I certainly hope there is an error in the Universe and we will not see these messages to come true in the upcoming couple of months…

With recent changes in astrological weather, we feel lighter, more optimistic, able to see a big picture again, and the weight of the routine and hard work is not crashing our bones anymore. There will be more pleasant interactions, care for each other, and happy moments including other people in our year ahead than we had in a long time.


Moon in Capricorn: Monday September 12th morning and afternoon


A Capricorn Moon is just what the doctor prescribed for the beginning of a workweek. It focuses us on work and business, makes us serious, collected, and full of resolve. However, this is not a day to start anew project or to have important meetings. Instead, focus on anything that needs to be finished or on routine tasks that need some serious attention. Working alone without interruptions and unneeded contacts will be the best on this day, so lock yourself in your office, stay at home with your documents that need your attentions, or do whatever it takes not to get involved in interactions and not to be presented with surprises. And, of course, always remember to backup your computer and to double check your emails and messages: Mercury is still retrograde and may mess with your activities.

No matter how serious and business-like we will be during the day, the evening will be pleasant, and we will want to party and meet with our friends. Don’t plan to stay at home and study or watch TV: you will want to interact with others, and it will bring you a lot of joy and fun if you do. After a long period of time with no planets in Air signs and no words to express what we think and feel, two happiest planets, Jupiter and Venus, and the Moon are in the Air signs, and they make a very easy and favorable connection on Monday. It will be a relief and a pleasure to talk to the friends (and in fact any other people) and to communicate like we were not able for some time.


Moon in Aquarius: Monday September 12th evening – Wednesday September 14th


No matter how serious and business-like we will be during the day, the evening will be pleasant, and we will want to party and meet with our friends. Don’t plan to stay at home and study or watch TV: you will want to interact with others, and it will bring you a lot of joy and fun if you do. After a long period of time with no planets in Air signs and no words to express what we think and feel, two happiest planets, Jupiter and Venus, and the Moon are in the Air signs, and they make a very easy and favorable connection on Monday. It will be a relief and a pleasure to talk to the friends (and in fact any other people) and to communicate like we were not able for some time.

Tuesday will be a light and worry-free day for most of us. A great day for a meeting with a boss or an older person, whose favors you seek. The effects of interactions and words will be long-lasting and positive, and it will be easy to find the right words and to explain in a positive and optimistic way your expectations. The evening is great for interactions with friends and for partying again. If you did not plant to get together with your favorite friends or with strangers, I suggest to change your plans and to go out: you will be surprised how good your evening will feel.

Wednesday may be surprising and action-packed. The unexpected developments may start in the morning, and we may be forced to deal with something that we did not plan. It may not be too stressful or too serious, just disruptive and requiring our attention, but our need for harmony and peace may be too strong to make the unexpected welcome. Tackle everything that needs attention in the morning: the afternoon will be unproductive, and nothing will work. Go back to your routines in the afternoon and lay low in the evening.


Moon in Pisces: Wednesday September 14th late night – Friday September 16th


The sensitive Pisces Moon may fid it difficult to connect to that happy and optimistic energy we felt a coupe of days ago. It will take us back to our dreams and to our past illusions. It may be difficult to wake up, both from our illusions and literally. The intensity is building up to culminate in an eclipse on Friday, and many of us will feel overwhelmed and ready to cry for no reason or for a good reason. Thursday, the day before the eclipse and the Full Moon, is a good time to remember the past, to analyze it, and to prepare to part with the hurts of the past and any dreams and illusions that we have outgrown. Revise your plans, reconsider what you thought was true, examine any area of your life where you are trying to discern between the truth and the illusions or even deception. If there is something to sort out and to re-examine, this eclipse will help you to do it in a healthy manner and to move on with ease, optimism, clear mind, and happy heart. It may be depressing and sad now, but it holds a promise for a better future. Right after the eclipse and the Full Moon, the mood will become more optimistic, and we will start anticipating the big changes. Friday night may be not the best time to go out and party: because of all the intensity of the day, we may feel overwhelmed and tired. However, it would be great for meditation, yoga, religious event, or anything that connects us to the Universe and its wonders.


Moon in Aries: Saturday September 17th – Sunday September 18th


We will wake up in an active mood with a lot of energy to spare. For those, who live in the areas with season change, this will be a great weekend to be active outdoors and to enjoy the last days of the summer. The astrological weather is good for any active time spending you can imagine: run through your neighborhood, walk with a dog in a park, sport games, biking, hiking, starting a new building project in your backyard, fixing the house and the yard in preparation for colder seasons, working out at a gym, you name it. Anywhere you can spend that physical energy that will be overwhelming us all on these days. I suggest physical activity, because the Aries Moon may express as disagreements and fights if the energy does not have a healthy outcome, and on these days the strong Aries energy is exaggerated by a connection to Jupiter, the multiplier and magnifier of everything, and it is focused on others people around us. So, grab your partner or friend and go for a walk or work out together! A fiery and easy connection between the Moon and Saturn will give you a lot of stamina and perseverance.

Continue the activities on Sunday, express the energy in a positive way. On Sunday, sudden blowups are possible, and they will be directed from you to your partner or from your partner to you. You really don’t want that to happen, so manage the energy and suggest to your friend or partner to do their favorite physical activity instead!


Avoid starting anything new if the outcome is important or to schedule medical procedures during following days and hours (EDT, week of September 12th – 18th):


Monday September 12th 5:59 AM – 5:28 PM

Wednesday September 14th 11:31 AM – 10:22 PM

Sunday September 18th 4:10 PM – end of day

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