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Week of February 3rd


The week starts with some unproductive time. Monday may not be a day to make big plans and to expect big results. However, it will be a pleasant day if you plan to socialize, interact with many people, catch up on some writing, and make phone calls that have been delayed. With Aries Moon that brings Fire into the sky that currently lacks planets in Fire signs, we may be preparing for action and have a lot of physical and mental energy. The las connection of the Moon on this day is to Mars... Although Mars cannot express its energy freely in the sign of Cancer, this may be a day to try something new – new activity, new exercise routine. It may not be lasting, but finding out what does not work is a good start to find something that does work in the future. Exploring our limits and setting the rules and conditions may be easy at this time. As Venus prepares to move into Aries and hangs in the last degree of Pisces, where it signifies unconditional love and endless beauty, our desire to focus on relationships and enjoy all things artistic may be strong. Cease the moment and indulge in dreams, creativity and beauty – the luxury of allowing yourself to stop and smell the roses may not be available for the next couple of months that Venus will spend in Aries, where it will evoke our more active, warrior qualities.


By the time we wake up on Tuesday, the Moon moves into Taurus and connects to Pluto. We may feel determined and steady in our ways, not letting anything to distract us from the chosen path. We will not apologize for saying what we are saying, for reclaiming our power, or for being who we are... The Taurus Moon makes us confident and consistent. This is a day with the focused energy and new beginnings in our relationships. Venus is in Aries, we have new ideas about our connections to others, and with the Taurus Moon, we will follow through with our new plans. Venus moved to Aries, the sign of her exile, and she does not know how to act or talk in this sign. She is also preparing to slow down and go retrograde in just a month. It’s my warning to you not to plan changing the way you look, stop buying new clothes and makeup, and not to plan selling anything until mid-April: these activities will not go as you expect them to. The new hair color will not complement your skin tone, the new clothes will remain hanging in your closet, you will regret about any permanent changes in your appearance, and sales will not be what you expect them to be. The energy of Wednesday is very similar, with a few surprises along the way that may be brought to you by conjunction of the Moon with the planet of unexpected Uranus. I would not plan to achieve much on this day, as the Moon is running alone in the sky and does not support any new plans. Instead, focus on anything that needs to be finished.


The chatty Gemini Moon on Thursday gives us ability to express ourselves in a powerful way and make an impression. On this day, there is a strong connection between the Moon, ruler of the time flow; Pluto, the planet of power and intensity; Mercury, the planet of words; and Sun, our luminary that represent our identity. Don’t be afraid to be yourself and say it as it is – it’s a harmonious day: say it, and you will be heard. As I said above, it’s a time to explore our limits and to find new ways to deal with issues and regulations. Friday morning carries similar energy, while Friday afternoon is even more liberating: actions and words will not have serious consequences as the Moon runs free and alone in the sky.


The Moon is in Cancer over the weekend, making the time best spent with families or at least at home. It’s a sign of a home body, the activities are limited by the cohabitation of the Moon and retrograde mars in Cancer. The mood may be nostalgic, a little teary and emotional, and comfort foods may be helpful. There is no dieting when the Moon is in Cancer. Don’t torture yourself, it’s hard to resist the favorite foods on this weekend. The Moon gets too close to Mars for comfort on Sunday – watch out for becoming defensive or passive aggressive. Find unusual less sensitive ways to deal with people and problems. Although home-bound, emotional, and sensitive, the Moon is in an active Cardinal sign of initiative and action. The weekend can be used to initiate new projects related to family and home. However, these should be wrapped up by the late afternoon on Sunday – Sunday late afternoon and evening are best planned to spend in a recliner with a book or a movie.

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