We are starting the week in the beginning of the Aquarius season. The Sun moved into the sign of Aquarius on Sunday and immediately conjoined Pluto – they are only a degree apart in the morning of Monday. This gives the day a very powerful energy, the world (and each of us) is on fire! The energy for most of us will be positive – there is an easy connection between the Moon in Libra and the planet of joy and happiness Jupiter, and Sun/Pluto are also connecting in a trine by the sign. It can be a peaceful and dynamic day, unless you want to try the power struggles... With a forming opposition between the retrograde Cancer Mars and Capricorn Mercury, there is a choice of being passive aggressive and indirect or to formulate and express our thoughts in a clear manner. Rely on the clarity of Capricorn Mercury – Mars does not know what to do in Cancer and will take you off the road, while Mercury will help to be precise and concise with your words and clear with your thoughts. In the evening, the Moon highlights this Mars-Mercury struggle, but it’s a lucky time, as we have the support of the luckiest fixed star in the sky, Spica. The Moon is conjoining Spica, and we can go for a difficult talk or a social engagement – the trine between planets in all three Air sign is great for a talk, writing, reading, and learning. The energy of the Sun/Pluto conjunction and Mars-Mercury opposition will continue into Tuesday morning, and the Moon will still remain in Libra, calling us to seek a balance and energizing partnerships.

By Tuesday noon, the energy changes, as the Moon enters the sign of Scorpio and the Sun leaves the conjunction with Pluto around the same time. The Scorpio Moon seeks solitude and silence, and the energetic moment for socializing and working with words is gone... With the new situation in the sky, we are more likely to retreat and to start acting indirectly and defensively. The Moon runs into a watery aspect with Saturn on Wednesday, and we may feel inhibited and unable to define our limits and our duties. It’s difficult to decide how to act and whether to express our feelings on this day. I recommend waiting, as the Scorpio Moon is too insecure and too confrontational, and it reaches out to Mars by the evening making us defensive, offended, and passive aggressive. Emotions run high. Thursday may bring unexpected developments and obstacles. Go with the flow, it will be easy with multiple trines and sextiles in the chart of the Thursday morning. Beware of expressing your anger or frustration in an aggressive way. If you have important tasks to address, make sure to start early – the afternoon and evening will be unproductive.

The Sagittarius Moon on Friday brings the Fire energy into our life – this is the only celestial body that is in the Fire sign this week, and we should welcome the inspiration and energy of the day, especially in the morning when it’s connecting to Pluto and then to the Sun. We should feel energized and purposeful, and it’s the best day of the week for any physical activity. By the evening, Moon is in opposition with Jupiter. Any connection to the planet of happiness and wealth Jupiter can be beneficial, and this opposition prompts us to focus on the big picture and see the best in every situation. As the opposition to Jupiter ends by Saturday morning, the Moon runs into a connection with Venus, and Venus is exalted in Pisces. Although we may have to make some decisions and initiate some actions with both the connection to Jupiter and Venus, everything we do will benefit from the energies of Jupiter and Venus, and Friday and Saturday promise to be enjoyable and satisfying. Finish all your chores and important projects before the evening falls on Saturday – the evening of Saturday are best for the enjoyment and the focus on relationships. On Sunday, relax with a cup of coffee early in the morning and start anything that has to give tangible outcomes later.

Around 9 AM on Sunday, the Moon enters Capricorn – not the energy we prefer for a Sunday. It’s a serious energy practical energy. The Moon is not making connections to other planets on this day. This is a good time for working on your own on something that is important to you and that makes you feel ambitious and purposeful about. This is a very practical and motivated Moon that wants you to be productive and focused.