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After the intensity and heat of the Mars – Pluto opposition during the last week, we started the new week with retrograde Mars slipping into Cancer in the morning on Monday, promising even less motivation and effort and even more delays. In addition to motivation and action, Mars represents everything mechanical, from cars to heaters. Not surprisingly, my daughter’s heater started glitching and refused to maintain the right temperature, while mine refused to turn on at all on the Monday morning. Cancer is an uncomfortable territory for Mars; the planet just can’t get its manifestations right... It’s a time to protect whatever you count as yours – your tribe, your family, your home, your space and territory. As the opposition with Pluto is separating for a while, it’s time to leave the stress and power struggles behind for a couple of months, until the end of April when the planets meet again in their final opposition of this cycle...

We start the week with the Moon in Aries, which adds urgency and struggle to the Mars – Pluto opposition but also offers a great energetic and physical start to the week. On Monday, the fiery go-getter Moon connects to Jupiter, and every physical activity and new start to our projects feel right. This is a day to initiate everything we planned for this month and to see the list of tasks checked. Retrograde Mars – Pluto opposition still rule our world in the beginning of the week as we make plans for the month and year ahead, but there is a fresh and active energy in this day that breaks the barriers and out us on a new trajectory.

Tuesday continue the theme and is even more directed and intentional, with the Moon connecting to the Sun and Mars in Cardinal signs of Capricorn and Cancer. In this configuration, Libra is the last Cardinal sign that could have completed the connection, but there are no planets there, and we will be seeking harmony and trying to balance our lives, probably without results. Do the best with the unsettling active energy and recover in the evening when the Moon moves to Taurus.

Tuesday evening should slow us down and make us even more protective as the Moon connects to that Mars – Pluto opposition demanding stability and security for our own space in the middle of the world drama. This is the time to remain measured and deliberate and a great time to cook and to dine with gusto. Wednesday is a sweet and easy day, with an easy connections between the Moon and the Sun and the Moon and Venus. Starting on this day, we have no planets in Fire signs, and the urgency and heat evaporate from our lives for the rest of this week. On this morning, Mercury ingresses into Capricorn, making our thoughts and words clear and precise. With a confidence of the Taurus Moon, help of dignified planet of relationships Venus, and clear-cut Capricorn Mercury, Wednesday is a great day to deliver your opinions and recruit support from others. The tranquility and productivity of Thursday may be disturbed by unexpected occurrences, but the exalted Taurus Moon is easily to recover, and the day will end on a positive note. Imagination may be running high, but the lazy Taurus Moon connected to Neptune will probably send us to bed early or call us to relax with a movie.

High-strung Friday under the out-of-bounds Gemini Moon conjunct Jupiter and connected to Pluto in another Air sign will throw us into communicating and socializing. Although the pressure and the stress are high, there is little inspiration or excitement with the sky devoid of planets in Fire signs, and the connection with the relationship planet Venus is difficult. We may need to pace ourselves and watch our words and action to avoid going overboard with any activities on this day. By the evening, the conjunction with Jupiter is balanced by a square with Saturn, preventing us from doing too much of anything and calling for exploring and learning our limits. Saturday is unproductive. Instead of planning any work or chores, socialize or read – these will be the only activities you will enjoy on this day. Relaxing may be difficult, and our thoughts may be overwhelming, but don’t feel guilty for not achieving much. It’s just one of those days, and this will pass too.

Sunday starts with the Moon in Cancer, and it’s all about connecting with your family – biological or chosen. The day is great for interacting with everyone you call your own, offering your time and support to family members, attending to your responsibilities to them and fulfilling their expectations. Some limits may need to be defined, but it will be done in a very peaceful and civil manner, with love and care.

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