Live in Sync with the Moon

As we start a week and need to attend to our activities outside of our home and family, our hearts are at home. It’s not unusual around this time of the year, when out thoughts turn to upcoming holidays and family and friends gatherings. This is the time when we reflect on the future of our families in an upcoming year, but also the time of feeling especially lonely for those, whose families are not around.
The waning Moon is in the sign of Cancer until the later morning of Wednesday, making us somewhat more than usually emotional and clingy, with occasional tears in our eyes. The Moon is opposing serious and straightforward Capricorn Venus, the planet of relationships, prompting us to finalize and clarify any confusions and uncertainties in our interactions with other. On this day, the opposition between Jupiter and Mercury in Sagittarius is exact, also pushing us to say it all our loud without holding back. Although we may run into a confrontation, the mutual reception between Jupiter in Gemini and Mercury in Gemini (in each other’s home sign) promises understanding and acceptance of opposite views.
Feel the beat of the Universe as an event we all have been talking about, Pluto final move into Aquarius, finally occurs on Tuesday in the afternoon and starts a new cycle that will be nothing like we have ever seen before. As we all observe it unfolding in our collective space, pay attention to what happens in your private lives – you will get an idea about the next 20 years of transformation of you.

On Wednesday, the Moon in Leo opposing Pluto at 00:00 Aquarius will ignite engine of change and emphasize the beginning of a new era. The Leo Moon conjoins Mars as soon as she moves to Leo, and the day will feel energetic and powerful. An easy-flowing and easy-tearing emotional configuration between the Moon, Sun in Scorpio, and Neptune in Pisces that felt overwhelming the day before and early in the morning will suddenly get a sense of direction, power, and stability, with a brighter future. Thursday will bring another important change in the sky – the ingress of the Sun into Sagittarius that mat feel for many as return of their life force. Whether your activities include outdoors, a study, or spiritual pursuits, everything will feel renewed and restarted with the dramatically changed skies and four planets in Fire signs. Although the Moon remains in Sagittarius until Friday evening, try to tackle all your projects by Friday. The Moon is traveling alone in the sky on Friday and not connecting to other planets. Because the Moon defines the flow of events as she moves from one planet to another, Friday will be unproductive, especially with anything new you want to start.

By Friday evening, the Moon in calculating and efficient Virgo. As she connects to Saturn on Saturday and then proceeds to a pleasant and easy contact with Venus, we will have to attend to our responsibilities and duties, but will be pleasantly satisfied with the results, especially if they are a fruit of a team effort. The analytical and discerning Moon in Virgo guides us through the end of the weekend, but Sunday late afternoon and evening will lack motivation and clarity, and we will be unlikely to accomplish anything meaningful on that day. Plan organizing, cleaning, and other chores that don’t require the ultimate results or distract yourself with a movie or a book.