The Capricorn Solstice (Winter Solstice in Northern hemisphere and the shortest day or Summer Solstice in Southern Hemisphere, with the longest day) occurs on December 21 at 4:20 AM EST (adjust for the time difference to find out your correct timing). This is the time when the Sun enters the sign of Capricorn, and the daytime starts to grow. This is also the lowest point in the sky where the Sun will be in the whole year if you are in the Northern hemisphere. Although the seasonal events are flipped in the Southern hemisphere, some astronomical facts remain the same for both hemispheres: e.g., the speed of the Sun through the Zodiac is the same for both hemispheres faster between Capricorn Solstice and Aries Equinox than between Cancer Solstice and Libra Equinox, independently of where you are on Earth, hence a shorter month of February and two 31-day month in the row, July and August. Thus, no - astrology and charts do not flip as you go from Northern hemisphere to Southern! After all, our Earth is just another small and insignificant celestial body among infinity of stars and galaxies.
Not much is going on in the sky in the upcoming month, and probably nothing we did not talk about yet. Mars is still retrograde and still opposes Pluto, whose move to Aquarius is an old news by now. Uranus and Neptune are still in the last decans of Taurus and Pisces, where they have been for a while and will remain for a while. Mercury turned direct on 15th, and we would expect some movement in our lives, but retrograde Mars impedes the progress and makes us “lazy” and unmotivated. We should prepare for a year of delays and slow movement in our lives: Mars and Venus retrogrades on top of normal mercury retrogradation and two outer planets hanging out in the last degrees of their signs, with Saturn joining them shortly, do not promise any fast developments... The year 2025 will feel like one step forward two steps back, with planets moving to a new sign for a while and then going back to continue their well-organized dance in the last degrees of the signs. There will be urgency to change situation, and efforts will be made, but there will be little to show for it... that is until 2026. Keep making efforts, don’t get discouraged, and look out for my yearly forecast shortly.
The first significant event of the Capricorn season is the second exact opposition of Mars and Pluto on January 3rd, which coincides almost exactly with Venus entering Pisces, the sign of her exaltation where she represents the endless unconditional love. For the Mars/Pluto opposition effects, look back to their last opposition on November 3rd, but remember to make a correction for the sign difference and currently retrograde Mars. Although the events may be reminiscent of whatever was happening around November 3rd, they will feel very differently – as opposed to seriousness and drama of the 29th degrees of Cancer and Capricorn then, the second opposition will be in detached Aquarius and playful Leo. Whatever seemed to be dramatic and urgent then may be looking much more optimistic in the light of the new signs. For a reference, go back to all the tension and expectations for the Election Day: we are still in the transitional time, but now democrats are realizing that the life will continue, while republicans are reminded of all the work to be done. The second opposition happens with the detached Aquarius Moon applying to exalted Venus, and it will be easier to reconcile any power struggles or tune down the aggressive tendencies.
On January 6, retrograde Mars will enter Cancer, the sign of its fall. If you felt the effects of the retrograde Mars so far, prepare for the effects to intensify. In addition, Mars makes an easy and lazy connection to Neptune, further distracting us from acting and making efforts. If you have prominent Aries or Scorpio placements in your natal chart, you will feel it the most. Lack of drive and energy, efforts resulting in wrong outcomes, inability to charge ahead to do what needs to be done are the expectations for this transit. This time is best spent reflecting on where your efforts should go, what are your personal goals and how you plan to go after your goals in the future when the celestial weather improves. Mars in cancer defends and protects everything personal – your family, your personal space, your inner peace. Define what needs protection in your personal world and what does not – and release anything that does not deserve your energy and effort at the next and last opposition of Mars and Pluto! In mid-January, look to the west early in the morning, before the sunrise, or to the east after the sunset and watch bright red Mars that is closest to Earth during its retrograde opposition to the Sun! On January 13 and 14 it will be close to the Full Moon in the sky.
On January 8, Mercury finally changes signs, moving from Sagittarius, where it spent too much time due to retrogradation, to Capricorn. Mercury is about words, while Capricorn gives form to everything it touches. It’s time to put our words on paper if you are a writer or to say it out loud and clear: at this point in time, we will be able to clearly formulate and clearly hear and understand the messages. Mercury will be in sextile with exalted Venus for a couple of days, which will help making our difficult messages friendly and non-confrontational too. The last 10 days of the Capricorn season will not bring significant changes in the sky.