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Libra Newsletter


      Happy Autumnal Equinox!

        The Sun just entered the sign of Libra, where the Sun is “in fall”, which means this sign is an uncomfortable place in the Tropical Zodiac for the Sun. This moment marks the end of the summer and the point in time when the nights become longer than the days. Don’t be fooled: the weather may still be warm, but the body knows that the winter is coming.

I hope that we all got organized during the ending Virgo season, started new projects, and outlined plans for the rest of this exciting but busy year.

        We are currently in an Eclipse Season. The first Lunar Eclipse took place on September 17th (EDT) at 25 degrees Pisces and was energizing for some people and draining and exhausting for others. Eclipses, even partial, can be felt very acutely when they touch our natal charts. The second eclipse of this Eclipse Season, an annular Solar Eclipse, will take place on October 2nd during the New Moon in Libra at 10 degrees Libra near the South Lunar Node. Both eclipses touch difficult planets, Saturn and Neptune, and can be draining.

        It’s the time to be gentle with our bodies and to limit our activities, especially physical. The upcoming eclipse is also the time of letting go of interactions, social engagements, and relationships that don’t serve us anymore.

        The planet of motivation and action, Mars, is in Cancer, the sign if its fall. Many of us, especially people with natal and progressed Suns or Ascendants in Aries or Scorpio, feel the draining effect of a poorly positioned Mars. This is a time to retreat, to have plenty of sleep and rest.

        This Lunar Cycle offers a great time to cut your hair if you want it to grow fast and full: the growing and almost full Moon will be in fertile sign of Pisces between the evening of October 13th and afternoon of October 15th.

        As the days get shorter and colder, don’t scale down on your outdoors time - get a boost of vitamin D. Restructure your days to accommodate exercise or move your physical activities indoors and don’t forget to drink enough water. Autumn leaves and the beauty of nature in fall are a great help in relaxing and dealing with the life stresses. Get out of the city, walk in a park, visit a farm to stock up on pumpkins and fresh apples.


Olga Rozzell,

PhD (Cell Biology), CAP-ISAR, Dipl.IAA, NBC-HWC

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