We are starting the week with the Moon in Pisces as she conjoins the planet of limitations and boundaries Saturn. Not only we may be too relaxed and too lazy to be productive on Monday, but we can run into obstacles if we do try to overcome our diminished flow of energy. This is a day for imagining the future and fantasizing about the projects and challenges to conquer some other time... As for now, it’s a difficult astrological situation, with all celestial bodies being uncomfortably placed in all wrong (for them) signs or moving slow. This may be a time to focus on what is already going on in our lives and conserve the energy for the later – much later... Tuesday may be not as limiting as Monday, but the Moon is conjoining Neptune, the planet of sleep, dreams, and illusions, in Pisces, and this contact may make us too sleepy or too confused to take any serious action.

As we regain our energy on Wednesday with the move of the Moon into Aries and approaching the Full Moon phase, we may be reaching for too much and acting impulsively and impatiently. We see the goals clearly, and we want to act. However, as I mentioned above, there may be no planets in the sky supporting our activities at this time. It’s much better to focus on physical activities and exercise, to let out the energy of impatience and frustration. The Fill Moon early on Thursday is unsettling. It connects in uncomfortable configuration to Mars, the planet of anger and war, and Pluto, the planet of crisis and power games. I would advise to stay away from any disagreements and say as little as possible to avoid miscommunication. We may see situations clearly, but this does not mean we need to express our opinions today – wait for a better opportunity to affect the events and try to balance and harmonize any difficult scenarios. When opting for peace and harmony, we will have the support of the most beneficial star in the sky, Spica.

Moon is in Taurus on Friday through Saturday afternoon. This is a very comfortable sign for the Moon: Moon in Taurus brings us stability, security and comfort. There is no need to speak up and express our opinions – we feel confident without getting involved in a verbal exchange. The connection with Saturn will suggest when and where to stop to remain secure and comfortable. Friday evening is a great time for indulging in good food or relaxing bath. Friday and Saturday are not the days for starting a new diet or exercise program – it will be more difficult than usually to follow through, because Moon in Taurus likes her comfort food and resists the physical activity. Saturday morning may bring unexpected disruptions and surprises. Don’t lose your head, stay on the course until the Moon completes her conjunction with Uranus and the disruptive and dangerous star Algol.

On Saturday afternoon, the Moon is moving to Gemini, heralding the time to socialize and get your message across. With both luminaries in social Air signs, it’s a great time to get out and talk to people, make new friends and new connections. Sunday morning may present some challenges and responsibilities to tackle, but the late afternoon and evening should be both pleasant and purposeful and best spent enjoying a company of friends or learning something new in social settings. The social and curious energy of Gemini will continue into Monday morning, making business meetings or any social gatherings fulfilling, peaceful, and informative.