Olga Rozzell
Week of March 28th – April 3rd
After the intensity of the Full Moon and the eclipse of the last week, we may seek calm and quiet times with the waning Moon and relatively few astrological events during the upcoming week. The week may be not rich in events, but it is far from calm and soothing either. We have been living through the time of two very intense arrangements in the sky. First one is a hard contact between Pluto (the planet of intensity, change, and deep transformation) and Uranus (the planet of breakthrough, blowups, revolutions and rebellions). This contact is getting weaker and weaker, but still seems to be playing out in the world events and our domestic politics. The second one is a more short-living difficult contact between Jupiter (the planet of beliefs, truth, freedom, and growth) and Saturn (the planet of restriction, responsibility, and authority). We all can see these two planets exerting their energy and their difficult current relationship in our domestic politics and internationally: the discussions about beliefs and responsibilities have been getting very hot recently. This trend will continue for a while, and the two intense arrangements will also touch the private lives for many of us: we may be making practical decisions to protect and express out beliefs and our truths, and we may be rebelling against any abuse and feel transformed and empowered, but also may be acting unexpectedly to cause dramatic changes…
Moon in Sagittarius: Monday March 28th – Wednesday March 30th morning
Monday and Tuesday will be very dynamic and full of action. We will feel energized and determined, and our mind will be alert and active. We will be ready to express our intentions and get to the task with resolve and passion. However, watch your words and try to avoid to sound confrontational and too pushy. We may experience some frustrating delays and limitations, but almost nothing can stop us on these two days from getting and saying what we need to get and say. This is not a time for niceties or for overthinking the details; this is the time to say our truth out loud and to act unpredictably.
Tuesday late night and Wednesday morning may be nice and pleasant, but the time to act will run out by Tuesday evening. Hurry to finish anything you care about during the daytime, and dedicate Tuesday evening and Wednesday morning to less important tasks or to resting.
Moon in Capricorn: Wednesday March 30th afternoon – Friday April 1st early evening
The serious Capricorn Moon may clash with our desire to play and have fun or to be creative and free. We may be thinking about the future and trying to develop business strategies and to make the right choices. On Thursday, watch out for power games and try to avoid a power display yourself. However, if anyone is in need of exercising power and control, this is a great day to do this: it will not come out emotional or frivolous; just try to avoid doing anything hasty or to sound confrontational: there will be a possibility of coming across as aggressive and unpredictable.
For Friday, is it better to plan finishing the week’s projects rather than starting anything new and important. Anything initiated on Friday will go in a wrong direction, or your effort will be wasted.
Moon in Aquarius: Friday April 1st late evening – Sunday April 3rd
The humanitarian Aquarius Moon can’t stand the petty discussions and quarrels highlighted by the media or developing on the social media. Its time to go out in the world and let them know our educated opinion! Aquarius Moon calls for interactions with friends and groups, especially on the Internet. Its easy contacts to the straightforward and opinionated Mars in Sagittarius and the hot spring Sun in Aries (representing our choices and our voices) will make us eager to express our opinions. Watch out for heated discussions; try not to sound aggressive on Sunday.
Saturday morning could be very active, with physical activities outdoors, may be with the friends or groups. The afternoon will be more about doing what we like most, anything creative and fun.
On Sunday, many of us will be trying to explore our limits, but may be not prepared to speak about it. Think before talking: the conversations may rapidly disintegrate into fights and sudden quarrels.
Save the Sunday evening for relaxation and leisure: trying to do anything important or new will not work.
Avoid starting anything new if the outcome is important or to schedule medical procedures during following days and hours (EST, week of March 28th – April 3rd):
Monday March 28th until 02:46 AM;
Tuesday March 29th 9:54 PM – Wednesday March 30th 01:44 PM;
Friday April 1st 12:39 PM – 09:37 PM;
Sunday April 3rd 7:15 PM – end of day.